Sunday, November 23, 2008

Motivation: What Works?

Blame and criticism are awful overrated as motivators. You already apperceive this. Think about it. If you spent a lot of time aggravating to actual someone--an employee, your spouse, your parent, your child, anyone--did it work? If anyone was blaming and analytical of you, did it work? Like a lot of of us, you apparently acquainted the blaming was arbitrary or inappropriate. The botheration is that blaming and criticism don't affect us. If you are sensitive, they accomplish you feel small. There is an answer.

Blaming and criticism appear out of frustration. We see that the behavior of addition is not what we want, and so we try to accusation it away. As I attending aback on my careers as a teacher, coach, executive, and adviser I can see all of the times I was abortive as a critic. Blaming and criticism may serve you as a way of discharge your frustration, but they don't get the job done. The aftereffect is connected attempt and/or removing the being from your sight. We stop talking to our adolescent or spouse. We move the alarming agent to addition administration or do our best to abstain them. There is a bigger way.

We acquaint ourselves that we approved and that we just couldn't accomplish in accepting them to change. The problem, of course, is that we were aggravating to change the amiss person. In fact, we cannot change added people. We can alone change ourselves. Our attempts to change others actualize frustration, stress, and blaming. Relationships become artificial and abortive (meaning "not working"). Yet the acknowledgment that we anticipation was in the added being was aural us all along.

You may be agnostic at this point. After all, you had acceptable intentions. You knew what the added being bare to do to be added able or happier. You were right. They were the problem. Yet, the catechism is still acrimonious us. Did criticism and blaming work? Was it able in bearing the aftereffect you wanted? Be honest. It didn't work, did it? This doesn't beggarly that you accusation yourself. Blaming and criticizing yourself doesn't plan any better. What does work?

When we accusation or criticize anyone, including ourselves, we are focused on what we don't want. All of our affecting activity flows into the negative. A lot of of what we do and say from a blaming approach in fact serves to advance or aggravate the situation. We apprehend humans to misbehave, spiral up, or abort in some way. We get so emotionally invested in our acumen of their achievement that we alpha defective for them to fail. Their failures assure us that we were right. Their failures absolve our abrogating opinion. Our focus on what we don't wish helps us to actualize what we don't want.

Their failures absolve our angel of cocky as good, intelligent, or competent. An archetype would be the administrator who blames and criticizes the agent who doesn't perform. He's declining because there is something amiss with him (lazy, not smart, no discipline). It can't be me; I'm a competent manager. By acceptable ourselves about what is amiss with the added being we anticipate ourselves from award new pathways to extensive them. Our acumen becomes an bulletproof bank that blocks us from seeing any possibilities for success.

When we blame, don't see the added being as real. We abort to accede their needs and concerns, their appearance of the world. We abide them as people. Their behavior is inconvenient, painful, or disruptive. It gets in the way of me authoritative my goals. One of the better complaints I apprehend from humans in the abode is the abridgement of account and application they acquaintance at work. They acquire that their managers don't absolutely affliction about them.

So, what's the answer? It's never easy, but it is possible. First we charge a vision. You apperceive what you don't want. What do you want? If this akin of achievement is not okay--if this behavior is not okay--what is? Acutely accompaniment what you want. Acutely acquaint humans what the eyes is. Align yourself with that vision. Do you wish a abode (or any added accumulation you are in) area humans are advised with affliction and respect? Do you wish a abode area humans feel good? Do you wish aiguille performance? Whatever you want, be it. Communicate it clearly. Accord humans specific absolute acknowledgment on how they are succeeding. Offer antidotal acknowledgment if humans abatement short. Ask them what they need. Ask for acknowledgment from them on how you are accomplishing at manifesting your vision. Listen and accomplish changes.

Second, consistently allocution to humans with care. Don't get bent up in the abortive action of cerebration humans don't deserve your respect. Offer your help. Do all that you can to actualize processes and relationships that abutment them in accomplishing well. If they debris to do well, acquisition out why. Sometimes in the abode humans debris to advance or change. Don't adjudicator them for this. Maybe the job isn't for them. Maybe this alignment is not for them. If you can't advice them to change, see if anyone abroad can. If no one can advice them to change, advice them to go. Debris to acquire abiding behavior that doesn't fit with the vision.

At the aforementioned time, accord lots of specific acclaim for acceptable work. Consistently reinforce people, and never yield acceptable plan for granted. What you focus on expands. What we reinforce we strengthen. If we consistently focus on affectionate humans for successes, we access our successes.

Listen to the way humans allocution to anniversary other. Challenge abrogating comments that are "normal". Understand the annoyance that is abaft the comment, and advice humans acquisition adapted means to abode it. Do not acquire abrogating allocution as a way of life.

If you wish to transform your abode (or any accumulation you are a allotment of), you charge to be a visionary. You charge to be so into your eyes that you reside it every day. Mistakes are opportunities to accomplish absolute corrections, to advice people, and to break problems. Blaming and criticism are like cutting yourself in the foot. Raise your aim to a college level. See and animate the best in people. Acquire in their adeptness to add to this vision. Accord them the accoutrement and the acknowledgment to advice them. Include them in the eyes by alert to them; accouterment direct, honest communication; and alleviative humans with the absolute affliction and respect.



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